Family of Guy-fatherless Masochist Slave of Righteousness-episode 1

The overwhelming majority of Jews in America and European nations, have at some point in their political life (or continually) utilized slavery equally a malicious moral weapon against White European or American folk, not only to demonize our ancestors, but also to infer that contempotary Europeans are natural slavers, in order to instill hatred of Europeans in non-europeans and liberal minded Europeans alike. But if the White race is to exist condemned in the liberal press, why are not the Jewish people condemned for the world'due south leading office in the slave merchandise over the last 2000 years?

Of course, the closest affair that approximates the ancient slave trade to today is the White slave merchandise (prostitution) including the forced abasement and torture of hundreds of thousands of Eastern European women. As readers of the David Duke Written report are aware, this nefarious activeness is about completely controlled by Jews and much of information technology is based in Israel. Simply somehow the Jews become no bad press from this. Again, information technology really non hard to sympathize when i understands who controls the printing!

The historical Jewish domination of the slave trade is revealing about the unabridged structure of the Jewish-Gentile disharmonize and the propaganda to which we are subjected. In fact in the Hebrew Torah (Old Testament), none other than God himself commands that no slaves will be made of your own people, merely you can make slaves of other peoples:

44 As for your male and female slaves whom you may take: you may purchase male and female person slaves from among the nations that are round most yous…
46 You may bequeath them to your sons later you, to inherit equally a possession forever; yous may make slaves of them, simply over your brethren the people of Israel you shall non dominion, one over some other, with harshness. (Leviticus 25:44)

Jewish Supremacism also quotes major Jewish historians bragging about their domination of the slave trade since ancient times. And many more than contempo writers of Jewish history actually boast of their incredible domination of the triangular slave merchandise between Africa, the Westward Indies and the American colonies.

"The Jewish slave trains moved across Europe from Deutschland to Verdun and finally to Muslim Espana with enslaved humans that originated in Bohemia, Moravia and remoter Slavic lands. They carried slaves, furs and swords to the Jewish (converted) Khazar kingdom on the Volga when they traveled eastward to Cathay... At that time in history blacks from Africa, whites from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, and Mongols were traded as slaves past Jewish and Islamic traders. - McIntyre. Charshee, The Continuity Of The International Slave Trade and Slave Arrangement, State Academy of New York, 1990

According to an interview given by Orthodox Rabbi Lody van de Kamp to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency newspaper on Dec 26, 2013:"Coin was earned by Jewish communities in South America, partly through slavery, and went to Holland, where Jewish bankers handled it....In ane expanse of what used to be Dutch Guyana, forty Jewish-owned plantations were home to a full population of at least 5,000 slaves," he says. "Known as the Jodensavanne, or Jewish Savannah, the expanse had a Jewish community of several hundred earlier its destruction in a slave uprising in 1832. Nearly all of them immigrated to Holland, bringing their accumulated wealth with them."

The West Republic of india Company, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions against cash payment. It happened that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were almost e'er Jews, and considering of this lack of competitors they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, at that place as well was no contest in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers, and well-nigh of them purchased on credit payable at the next harvest in sugar. Profits up to 300 percent of the buy value were ofttimes realized with loftier involvement rates.

On the Caribbean island of Curacao, Dutch Jews may have accounted for the resale of at least 15,000 slaves landed by Dutch transatlantic traders, according to Seymour Drescher, a Jewish historian at the Academy of Pittsburgh. Jews were so influential in those colonies that slave auctions scheduled to take place on Jewish holidays ofttimes were postponed, according to Marc Lee Raphael, a professor of Judaic studies at the Higher of William & Mary.

The following is a partial list of the slave ships endemic past Jews:

'Abigail' owned by Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy and Jacob Franks.

'Crown' owned by Isaac Levy and Nathan Simpson.

'Nassau' owned by Moses Levy.

'Four Sisters' endemic by Moses Levy.

'Anne & Eliza' owned by Justus Bosch and John Abrams.

'Prudent Betty' owned by Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix.

'Hester' owned by Mordecai and David Gomez.

'Elizabeth' endemic by David and Mordecai Gomez.

'Antigua' owned by Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell.

'Betsy' owned by Wm. DeWoolf.

'Pouy' endemic by James DeWoolf.

'White Horse' owned by Jan de Sweevts.

'Expedition' owned by John and Jacob Rosevelt.

'Charlotte' owned by Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks.

'Caracoa' owned by Moses and Sam Levy.

Slave-runners, as well owned by Jews, were the 'La Fortuna', the 'Hannah', the 'Sally', and the 'Venue'.

Jews likewise played a prominent function in American slavery.

In movies, articles and books, slavers were Anglo-Saxons with names similar Smith or Jones. Usually, they were hard-drinking, uncouth, Southern types. Subsequently Slavery was ubiquitous in Africa amongst native Blacks themselves, and that they were seldom rounded up past Whites. Usually, Blackness African slaveholders were the ones who sold them to the slavetraders. Jewish merchants played a major role in the slave trade. In fact, in all the American colonies, whether French (Martinique), British, or Dutch, Jewish merchants frequently dominated.

This was no less true on the North American mainland, where during the eighteenth century Jews participated in the 'triangular trade' that brought slaves from Africa to the W Indies and in that location exchanged them for molasses, which in turn was taken to New England and converted into rum for sale in Africa. Isaac Da Costa of Charleston in the 1750s, David Franks of Philadelphia in the 1760s, and Aaron Lopez of Newport in the late 1760s and early on 1770s dominated Jewish slave trading on the American continent.

Past the time of the American Revolution, over 30 Jewish families could be found in Newport, Rhode Island, alone, bearing family names such equally Lopez, Levy, Rivera, Seixas, deToro (Touro), Gomez and Hays. In the New World, the Jews connected to engage in their long established careers as merchants and coin lenders, manufacturers and sellers of alcoholic beverages, and were leaders in the forefront of the slave trade, amassing vast fortunes by importing and selling African slaves to the colonial plantations.

In North America, the slave trade had its most powerful heart in Newport, Rhode Island. Newport formed a pivotal part of the triangular slave trade of rum and molasses from New England to Africa for slaves and dorsum to the Due west Indies and the Colonies with the man cargo. I discovered that information technology was no coincidence that Newport, heart of the slave merchandise, had the oldest synagogue in America and the largest thriving Jewish customs in the American colonies.

Aaron Lopez, a Portuguese Jew of Marrano descent and a resident of Newport, was one of the most powerful slave traders in the Americas. He endemic dozens of ships and imported thousands of Blacks into the Western Hemisphere. In an account of merely 2 voyages of one of Lopez's ships, the Cleopatra, at to the lowest degree 250 Blacks perished. Such horrendous loss of life in such a dirty business concern did not prevent Jewish chronicler Jacob Marcus from praising Lopez: "What tin can be said about this most attractive figure.?" Although Lopez acquired riches in the Colonies, he violated the anti-British not-importation trade agreements during the revolutionary period, supporting United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland's interests rather than the Colonies.'

All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews in the North were to ain black servants; in the South, the few plantations owned past Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over 75 percent of all Jewish families in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah owned slaves, employed every bit domestic servants; almost xl pct of all Jewish householders in the United states of america owned one slave or more than. There were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South, where they were always outnumbered at least 100 to 1….Very few Jews anywhere in the Usa protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds.

Because that less than 2 percent of all colonists owned slaves, so individual Jewish households (twoscore per centum owned slaves) were far more likely to own slaves than were Gentiles (Marcus, J. (1952). Jews. Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol. xiii. p.57). With their insufficiently greater numbers in the Mediterranean earth, Jews constituted disproportionate slaveholders in the ancient and medieval world just as they were in the Colonies. The importation of slaves to America is a relatively contempo historical phenomenon that lasted about 200 years. From before the time of Christ to the African trade of the 1700s, most of the slaves owned and bartered by Jews were White.

Quotes about Jewish slave merchandise.

"Nigh all the early on Jewish settlers in America belonged to the wealthy classes, it was natural for [jews] to take the establishment of slavery as they plant it, and to derive as much do good from information technology..." "[slavery] was principally in the hands of the Jews."

Wiernik. Peter, History of the Jews in America, Jewish Press Publishing CO., New York, 1912

"Jewish entrepreneurs were engaged in the slave trade on the Due north American mainland, participating in the famous triangular trade"

Fishman. Priscilla, Jews of the United States, Quadrangle - New York, 1973

" All through the eighteenth century, into the early nineteenth, Jews, in the North were to ain black servants; in the South, the few plantation endemic by Jews were tilled with slave labor. In 1820, over eighty percent of all Jewish household in Charleston, Richmond, and Savannah endemic slaves, employed every bit domestic servants; ...xl per cent of all Jewish households in the United States endemic one slave or more. In that location were no protests against slavery as such by Jews in the South... But very few Jews anywhere in the United States protested against chattel slavery on moral grounds."

Marcus. Jacob Rader , United states Jewry, 1776-1985, Wayne State University Press, 1990

"Information technology is of considerable interest in this connectedness to note that Jews were among the founders of the New York Stock Exchange in 1792."

Kohler. Max. J, Phases of Jewish Life in New York earlier 1800, American Jewish Historical Society, 1960

"American Jewish merchants, using their religio-commercial connections, enjoyed a competitive advantage over many non-Jews engaged in the aforementioned lucrative inter colonial trade. Since the West Indian trade was a necessity to America's economy and since this merchandise was, in varying degrees, controlled by Jewish mercantile houses, America Jewry was influential in the commercial destiny of Britain's overseas empire...and hence Jewish traders in New York had a marked advantage over others in this West India trade."

" Feldstein. Stanley, The Land that I Show You: Three Centuries of Jewish Life in America, Anchor Press, 1978

... [The Jews] were the largest transport chandlers in the entire Caribbean region, the shipping business was mainly a Jewish enterprise ... The slave ships were not simply endemic by Jews, but were manned past Jewish crews and sailed under the command of Jewish captains."

Liebman, Seymour, New World Jewry, 1493-1825 , Ktav Publishing House, 1982

"The West India Visitor, which monopolized imports of slaves from Africa, sold slaves at public auctions confronting cash payments. It happens that cash was mostly in the hands of Jews. The buyers who appeared at the auctions were near always Jews, and because of this lack of competitors, they could buy slaves at low prices. On the other hand, there was also no competition in the selling of the slaves to the plantation owners and other buyers ... Profits up to 300 per cent of the purchase value were often realized with high interest rates ... If it happened that the date of such an auction fell on a Jewish holiday the auction had to exist postponed...[Jews] dominated the slave merchandise"

Wiznitzer. Arnold, Jews in Colonial Brazil, Columbia University Press, 1960

"Those who succeeded in establishing themselves nether Dutch jurisdiction prospered as traders, middlemen, interpreters and brokers of slaves. The Due west India Visitor monopolized the import of slaves, but the individual entrepreneurs ran the slave auctions. Among these were numerous Jews who also provided the credit that plantation masters needed until the sugar crop was brought in. Because that the factory owners found it cheaper to replace a slave every vii years than to feed him properly, business was brisk."

Elkin. Judith, The Jewish Presence in Latin America, Allen & Unwin Publishing, 1987

1680: Jamaica, Port Purple: 84% of Jewish households owned 1-4 black slaves, even though European were the vast majority of residents in Port Royal, less than 39% of European households endemic slaves even in the busy, slave filled Port Purple.

Statistics compiled from:

Schorsch. Jonathan, Swimming the Christian Atlantic: Judeoconversos, Afroiberians and Amerindians in the seventeenth century, Brill Publishing, 2000]

"In the first half of the seventeenth century all the swell sugar plantations in Brazil were in the hands of Jews."

Abram Leon, The Jewish Question: A [jewish] Marxist interpretation, 1971

"all of the 22 distilleries in Newport were owned by Jews, who controlled the manufacture and sale of the infamous "firewater" in their trade with the Indians. They were prohibited in engaging in local commerce by Governor Stuyvesant, and circumvented the restriction in this mode"

White. Walter Jr., Who brought the slaves to America?, 1968

"In the menstruum from the fifth to viii centuries [Jews] gradually took the place previously occupied by the Syrians as 'international' traders; and they continued, and perhaps adult, the trade in slaves." [pp. 17]

"While the Jews were... never... the only traders, it is possible that the slave merchandise through north-eastern Europe to the Slav countries and the land trades to the Due east were for practical purposes Jewish monopolies. " [pp. 25]

Parkes. James, The Jewish Journal of Folklore, William Heinemann Limited, 1967

"The first Jews that Poles encountered must certainly have been traders, probably slave traders, of the type called in the 12th-century Jewish sources holekhei rusyah"

Encyclopedia Judaica, v. 13, pp. 710

"In the tenth century the Spanish Jews oft owed their [entire families] wealth to their trade in [European & African] slaves."

Abrahams. Israel, Jewish Life In The Middle Ages (1100-1700), Forgotten books Publishing, 2012

"The Jewish slave trains moved across Europe from Germany to Verdun and finally to Muslim Spain with enslaved humans that originated in Bohemia, Moravia and remoter Slavic lands. They carried slaves, furs and swords to the Jewish (converted) Khazar kingdom on the Volga when they traveled eastward to China... At that fourth dimension in history blacks from Africa, whites from the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus, and Mongols were traded as slaves by Christian, Jewish and Islamic traders.

McIntyre. Charshee, The Continuity Of The International Slave Merchandise and Slave System, State University of New York, 1990

"Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which grand shalt have, shall exist of the heathen (this refers to the states direct) that are round about yous; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the (Heathen) strangers that practice sojourn among yous, of them shall ye purchase, and of their (Heathen) families that are with yous, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall have them every bit an inheritance for your children later on you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your (Infidel) bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall non rule one over some other with rigour."

Leviticus 25:44-46

I volition declare the prescript: the LORD hath said unto me, M art my Son; this solar day accept I begotten thee. Ask of me, and I shall requite thee the infidel for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the world for thy possession. K shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt nuance them in pieces similar a potter's vessel.

Psalms ii:7-9


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